(2) 奥巴马取消亚洲行之际中国与亚太国家频签协议. VOA Chinese, Oct 7, 2013.
My comment: There is no need to read the report.
(3) Jennifer Steinhauer and Martin Fackler, US and Japan Agree to Broaden Military Alliance; A response to growing challenges from China and North Korea. New York Times, Oct 4, 2013. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/0 ... itary-alliance.html
"Those provisions are sure to rankle China * * * The drones [Global Hawk; to station in Japan for the first time], as well as Navy reconnaissance planes [Boeing P-8 Poseidon] never before stationed outside the United States
"The agreement was signed during a visit here by the secretaries of state and defense, John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, who were meeting with their Japanese counterparts.
"For its part, Japan committed to bolster its security capabilities by creating a new American-style National Security Council, and said it would expand assistance to Southeast Asian countries to help them resist Chinese territorial claims. Japan also pledged to increase military spending over all, despite the country’s need to pare down its huge national debt, and said it might change its current interpretation of its pacifist Constitution to allow its military to come to the aid of American forces under attack. Because the wording of the agreement was worked out jointly, those provisions suggested American support for the changes [about-re-interpretation], some of which remain controversial in Japan
My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest.
(b) This report has not been translated and shown up at cn,nytimes.com. 作者: choi 时间: 10-7-2013 08:37
(1) 《稀缺中国》: 什么会制约中国未来十年的发展? VOA Chinese, Oct 7, 2013. http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 131007/1764240.html
(a) The first sentence of the VOA report states "加州大学一位中国问题专家推荐的就是两名美国专家合作推出的新书." The interviewer is affiliated with University of California, not the authors of the book.
(b) Damien Ma and William Adams, In Line Behind A Billion People; How scarcity will define China’s ascent in the next decade. FT Press, Sept 12, 2013.
(i) in line = 排隊
(ii) Please read the "description" of the book AND click the authors' names (which lead to a new Web page, for curriculum vitae).
(b) PNC Financial Services Group http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PNC_Financial_Services_Group
Founded in Pittsburgh in 1852, PNC is the acronym of the old name Pittsburgh National Corporation.