Dr Nancy Swanson graduated from Western Washington University with a B.S. degree in physics and math in 1986. She received her Ph.D. in physics from The Florida State University. She then worked as a staff scientist for the United States Navy. Upon returning to Washington, Nancy taught physics at WWU. She holds five U.S. patents. She is the author of over 30 scientific publications and two books on women in science. She is currently retired and grows flowers.
所谓相关性,就是A发生的时候B也在发生,但相关性并不等于因果性,也就是说,证明不了“A就是导致B发生的元凶”。这个逻辑谬误古已有之,有个拉丁短语就是专门形容它的:cum hoc ergo propter hoc(翻译成英文就是with this, therefore because of this,和它一起发生,因此就是它的原因)。