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标题: China Ship Can Not Possibly Detect Pings [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 4-7-2014 09:14
标题: China Ship Can Not Possibly Detect Pings
Robb M Stewart  and Rachel Pannett, 澳海军舰艇探测到疑似黑匣子信号. 华尔街日报中文版, Apr 7, 2014


"领导多国联合搜寻工作的澳大利亚退役空军上将休斯顿(Angus Houston)周一表示,探测的第一个信号持续了超过两个小时。他称,在海盾号 Ocean Shield 按同一航线折回时,探测到两个不同的 '数据连接请求' 信号,信号持续了大约13分钟。

"他说,搜寻人员仍需先确定准确位置,然后再派潜航器进行调查,这一海域的水深在4,500米(合14,764英尺)左右。这一深度已达到海盾号上潜航器的深水探测能力极限。超过这一深度,船员们就必须使用其他潜航器或向海底投放摄像机。* * * 海盾号载有无人驾驶潜航器 '蓝鳍-21'(Bluefin [a kind of tuna fish] 21),但它的潜水深度极限约为15,000英尺(合4,572米)。


作者: choi    时间: 4-7-2014 09:14
Wsj.com does not publish the English original of the above--at least not in print.

Ross Kelly and Shani Raja, Searchers Track Underwater Pulses. Wall Street Journal, Apr 7, 2014
("The Chinese listening device was designed to identify sounds at depths of less than 1,000 feet, according to one person briefed on the flight 370 probe, while the ocean bottom in parts of the search area exceeds 13,000 feet")

My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest.
(b) China certainly goofs.

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