标题: 控制言论,中共已开始广撒网? [打印本页] 作者: choi 时间: 5-13-2014 12:28 标题: 控制言论,中共已开始广撒网? VOA Chinese, May 13, 2014 www.voachinese.com/content/pu-zh ... 140513/1913684.html
("曾在香港【南华早报】驻京记者站任职的吴薇 [born and rasied in China; not heard of since May 7] 和日本主要媒体【日本经济新闻】的一名记者也分别被中国当局 '带走' 的消息,也在网络上流传")
Mike Fussell, Effects of Changing Tastes in China Extend Abroad. VOA, May 1, 2014 www.voanews.com/content/effects- ... abroad/1905858.html
("Analysts note Chinese regulations, recently put in place to eradicate government corruption, are diminishing the effects of banquet culture but high-end seafood and pork consumption are continuing to grow overall" due to increased incomes of Chinese)
Note: Research Fellow at the Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (an institute of Australian government; founded in 2005 and based in James Cook University in Queensland) Michael "Fabinyi argues fishing opportunities for people living on islands with poor agricultural potential provide a livelihood for a population that has few other natural resources to draw from. 'The trade in live-fish has been a massively important economic stimulus to local communities,' said Fabinyi. 'Relative to where they were previously, many households have been able to improve their standards of living from assistance-level only to being able to invest in basic-level education for their children, some level of healthcare and material goods that have resulted in the improved standard of living.'”