(2) At this hour (11 am, Monday, June 2, 2014) Ftchinese.com has not published anything about Mr Guo, including the interview. However, sixhours ago, Ft.com has reported his detention, in English
"Guo sought refuge in Fuxingmen hospital, where the full horror struck him. He and a few others ventured out to help a wounded man, 'his blood running like a water fountain.' In the attempt, one member of the rescue party was shot dead.
"By the time the violence had died down and Guo was able to leave the hospital, there were about 100 corpses stacked in an area normally reserved for bicycles. 'Seeing them lined up – you feel you are not strong enough,' he says. 'Walking into the hospital, walking into the emergency room packed with bodies, the smell was much stronger than in my studio. I just couldn’t do anything and wanted to throw up. I was shocked, angry, sad and hopeless. The thing I felt the most was hopelessness.'
My comment:
(a) That is the most sensational he had to say.
(b) YOu see, Lunch With the FT, whcih is a weekly column that appears every Saturday, interviews a celebrity at a time and does not mean to be serious.
(c) "I hadn’t known that Guo was one of the Tiananmen Square hunger strikers. I ask again to be certain and Guo confirms that he starved himself for seven days before being taken to hospital. It is at this point that I register properly that my guest has barely touched our shared food – an abstinence I had originally attributed to his having recently disposed of 160kg of rotting pork."