“In New Zealand, the global leader in dairy exports, a 2013 drought reduced the country’s ability to meet foreign customers’ needs.
“Dairy Farmers of America, the largest dairy cooperative in the US “opened a plant in Nevada in April designed to turn out whole-milk powder for foreign markets, the first of its kind in the US. American dairy plants typically produce whole-milk powder, which is not popular overseas.
My comment:
(a) summary underneath the title of print: US dairy export set records with growing global demand. View the graphic and read quotations, and that is enough.
(b) I am torn about whether to recommend this to you, on something which is quite familiar.
(c) The difference in quotation 2 is “whole-milk powder” and “whole-milk powder.” 作者: choi 时间: 6-11-2014 15:28 本帖最后由 choi 于 6-12-2014 12:03 编辑
(2) Janet Paskin, A New Field for the iPad. www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... r-sheet-music-steps
(“The Ohio State University Marching Band has nurtured a reputation for innovation since at least 1930, when it assembled the first moving formation—an anchor—to the delight of fans at the OSU-Navy game”)
(a) summary underneath the title of print: Ohio State’s marching band has embraced the tablet.
(b) “moving formation—an anchor”
(i) This anchor--meaning an anchor of the football game--is the same as that in an “anchor store” in a shopping mall.
(ii) anchor (n):
“3: something that serves to hold an object firmly
* * *
6: the member of a team (as a relay team) that competes last
7: a large business (as a department store) that attracts customers and other businesses to a shopping center or mall” www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anchor
(c) There is no need to read the text of (c), but do read (d).
Matt McFarland, Ohio State’s Marching Band Revolutionized Halftime Shows. Here’s How. Washington POst, Nov 5, 2013. www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/inn ... me-shows-heres-how/
(i) Quote: “To open the 2012 season the band did a Beach Boys show, including a surfer riding a wave. The drills were sketched out on paper for rehearsals, a practice that continued for the rest of the fall.” Then two students proposed using i-Pad.
(ii) View video clips only, showing a moving dinosaur, Superman pushing, a witch riding a broom).
(A) "Superman flies out of a phone booth, at left, to prop up a toppling building, at right, during the band’s Hollywood tribute."
(B) photo legend: “Ohio State's marching band forms the Superman crest during their halftime performance of a game against Penn State on October 26, 2013. (Screen shot via YouTube)”
in Sean Woods, Ohio State Marching Band Steals Spotlight. Philadelphia Inquirer, Oct 27, 2013. www.philly.com/philly/blogs/Ohio ... eals-spotlight.html
(d) As for the formation in the BusinessWeek, I look and peer and finally discern a cannon on a wheel (besides the man).
Ohio State Marching Band Plays Tribute To Civil War, Gettysburg Address (VIDEO). Huffington Post, Nov 24, 2013 (13'44'') www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/2 ... -war_n_4334040.html
(i) Starting 7’40” is “civil war flags crossed.” go to images.google.com.
(ii) Two persons shake hands starting 9’10’’. After that, nothing important happens.
(iii) Battle of Gettysburg: July 1–3, 1863 作者: choi 时间: 6-11-2014 15:29
(3) The cover of the issue is marked “GLOBAL TECH.” But there is only one report in this category that is barely readable.
My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the text. Just view the graphic, to see how a "tunnel boring machine" works.
(b) A legend in the graphic states, "The face, with a diameter of 23.3 feet, is studded with tungsten carbide teeth."
Tungsten carbide
(is approximately two times stiffer than steel)作者: choi 时间: 6-11-2014 15:29
(4) Immigrant Throng. Silicon Valley imports its brains. Where do they come from? www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... eys-imported-talent
My comment: According to this diagram, number of Indians in Silicon Valley are about the same as that of Chinese (from China). Vietnam contributes a lot, though not as many as the other two--my guess is they are descendants of refugees. Taiwan contributes less than these three, about the same as Australia--is it because Taiwanese tend to move back to form start-ups and be their own bosses?