傅才德, 习近平亲属退出多项商业投资. 纽约时报中文网, June 18, 2014
, which is translated from
Michael Forsythe, Kin Shed Assets as China's Leader Fights Graft; Seen as an effort to reduce political vulnerability. New York Times, June 18, 2014 (front-page top article).
Excerpt in the window of print: Sale of stakes by a sister were [sic; should be 'was'] said to be 'for the family.'作者: outsidercn 时间: 6-18-2014 21:08
胡扯的吧作者: lili 时间: 6-18-2014 22:08
是啊,简直是胡扯啊,有什么证据吗?作者: lili 时间: 6-18-2014 22:09
肖的生意过程有任何违规的地方吗?没有就闭上自己的臭嘴!作者: lili 时间: 6-18-2014 22:10
(2) When I came to US at age 27, my thinking was like most Taiwanese, that all officials and the rich must abuse power somehow (though oddly, Taiwanese believe high-ranking officials are clean law-abiding and that only those (officials) e are in daily contact are corrupt (in part because the censored media sang praise of the high).
(3) I retained this outlook when William Kennedy Smith was on trial in 1991 in Florida state court for rape, repeating "A good Kennedy is a dead Kennedy." My friend (a young white man) in Chicago--I had moved to Boston but returned for a visit and watched some trial proceedings there--disagreed.
(4) However, I gradually discovered Americans were not like Taiwanese at all. George W Bush invested half a million to obtain a 2% interest when the consortium he led bought Texas Ranger baseball franchise from Eddie Chiles (who and most members in his consortium were family friends) in 1989; he sold the same stake in 1998 and "receives $14.9 million for investment."
Tom Farrey, A Series of Beneficial Moves. ESPN, Nov 1, 2006.
(5) Independently I have observed the descendants of the rich and powerful can be intelligent and highly educated, thus capable of making money on their merits.
(6) How to balance the good genes and good upbringing on one hand, and cronyism on the other, is most difficult, I will admit--because there is no independent force such as markets to set price.