"传统上,亲民党被视为是泛蓝阵营,在民进党执政时期是台湾第三大党。但是在国家认同上,它的立场和对手新党相比,显得模糊许多。再者,在2012年立委和总统选举中,亲民党和国民党分裂,亲民党代表在电视call in节目上蓝绿都批评。[In m opinion, it had to--for its dignity--because party head James Soong 宋楚瑜 was running for president.]
(a) I can not find an English version--and probably there is none.
(i) Dr Daffydd Fell, Departmnt of Politics and International Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, undated www.soas.ac.uk/staff/staff30933.php
(reader, with special reference to Taiwan)
(ii) SOAS is on of the 18 constituent colleges of University of London.
(section 3.1 Colleges)
(iii) reader (academic rank)
(In the British ranking, a reader could be seen as a professor without a chair)
I know nothing about the CURRENT election system(s).
(d) "人民民主阵线这个可被广泛归为左派的政党 * * * [its] 候选人不管有没有参选过,都具有丰富的社会运动经验。民阵特别强调一些小众议题例如移民、性工作者、游民、身障者。 * * * 这些被忽视的社会议题"