"今年我們華人民主書院辦感恩餐會 [May 4, 2014] 的時候,柯P有來,作為主人,當然我跟他坐一桌,其餘的還有林佳龍 [moyor-elect of City of Taichung, DPP],顧立雄 [律師; 父母為上海人; now DPP], 平路 [本名路平; 小說家; 祖籍山東諸城] 等等。我那時就注意到,柯P一直低著頭看自己的菜,好像每一道菜都是葉克膜似的。別人不跟他說話,他就不主動說話,別人說什麼他也沒有太大反應。當時我心裡就想:'媽呀這可是要選臺北市長的人啊,怎麼可能啊?!!!'
My comment:
(a) He otherwise says nothing about the election.
(b) Indeed just now I tried to go to the website of Apple Daily (Taiwan)--for the first time in my memory, wishing to get a pulse of politics in Taiwan--but could not. It was crushed, thanks to its popularity.
(c) 葉克膜 = ECMO (Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation)
(d) 華人民主書院 New School for Democracy
(founded in 2011; headquarters in Hong Kong and Taipei; 董事會主席 王丹)
(e) 王丹网站 Wang Dan's Page
(i) In this photo, 柯文哲 is the third person on Mr Wang's right.
(ii) 顧立雄,林佳龍 were two of the DPP members who, among others, vied for DPP nomination for mayor of City of Taipei. 柯文哲 was not a member, so he could not run in the DPP primary--though at first he insisted he had a right to. Because of this, I have been cool about Mr Ko, under the belief that this guy lacks common sense.