“The Dalai Lama suggested the UK had taken a soft line with China over Hong Kong's recent student-led pro-democracy protests for financial reasons.
“In a wide-ranging interview with the BBC's Newsnight programme, during a visit to Rome for the 14th World Summit of Nobel Laureates, the 79-year-old spiritual leader conceded that he may not have a successor. Whether another Dalai Lama came after him would depend on the circumstances after his death and was ‘up to the Tibetan people,’ he said. * * * The move [having an ELECTED leader of Tibetan government in exile] was seen by many as a way the Dalai Lama could ensure the Tibetan community would have an elected leader in place outside the control of China.
My comment: Regarding the first quotation. In the translation, BBC has an additional sentence that immediately follows: “达赖喇嘛在访问中还表示,出于经济方面的原因,针对香港近来发生的占中抗议活动,英国对中国采取了温和的立场。
他说,’由于他们(英国)的口袋几乎是空的,因此从经济方面来说,他们与中国保持密切联系非常重要。’ I searched the Web and fail to find the transcript. (I did not listen to the BBC video, however.) So I do not know whether the additional sentence is apocryphal.作者: choi 时间: 12-17-2014 16:02 本帖最后由 choi 于 12-17-2014 16:04 编辑
“Q: The Dalai Lama has given an interview to a French Television Station, in which he says he believes that there are both hardliners and open-minded people in the Chinese government when it comes to discussions about the future and autonomy of Tibet. What is your comment on that?
“A: On the issue of the Dalai Lama, the stance of the Chinese central government is consistent and clear. Dalai must relinquish his desire for separatism, stop activities impeding the unity of the Chinese nation and take concrete actions to create conditions for his contact with the central government.
“As for what would be talked if there were contact, it would not be the so-called ‘autonomy of Tibet,’ still less the ‘independence of Tibet,’ but the future of Dalai himself. On Tibet-related issues, there is no ‘hawk’ or ‘dove’ in the Chinese government or the Communist Party of China. To stand up against separatism, safeguard national unification, territorial integrity and ethnic unity is the strong will shared by the entire Chinese nation.