标题: Taipei Mayor Got a Pocket Watch as Gift [打印本页] 作者: choi 时间: 1-28-2015 17:13 标题: Taipei Mayor Got a Pocket Watch as Gift (1) 柯文哲風波 英法媒體:雙方都失態. 中央社, Jan 27, 2015 www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/201501270102-1.aspx
("英國交通部部長克雷默拜會台北市長柯文哲,贈送 [上議院] 懷錶為見面禮 * * * 媒體後來問柯文哲,是否忌諱送鐘錶與「送終」諧音。柯文哲表示:「沒關係,我再轉送給別人,不然就拿去當破銅爛鐵可以賣一些錢。」")
Note: The full text of Baroness Kramer's apology, which explains House of Lords:
“I’m sorry. We learn something new each day. I had no idea a gift like this could be seen as anything other than positive: In the UK a watch is precious - because nothing is more important than time.
"The gift came from the House of Lords – which is only accessible to members of the UK’s upper parliament. It is a very unique item.
"It was a huge honour to meet Mayor Ko. We look forward to working with him and his team in Taipei.”
(1) UK Minister Apologises for Taiwan Watch Gaffe. BBC, Jan 26, 2015. www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30994307
("Transport Minister Baroness [Susan] Kramer")
(2) The Perils of 'Taboo' Gifts. BBC Magazine Monitor; A collection of cultural artefacts, Jan 27, 2015 www.bbc.com/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-31004333
("William Hanson, an etiquette expert, says that most diplomatic gifts are agreed between both parties in advance - and regardless, 'research should be done'")