Lanzhou-Xinjiang High-Speed Railway (兰新高铁, also known as 兰新铁路第二双线)
Unlike the existing Lanxin railway, which runs entirely in Gansu and Xinjiang, the new high-speed rail is routed from Lanzhou to Xining in Qinghai Province; the entire "line opened on Dec 26, 2014;" "In 2007, strong wind overturned a train [just leaving Turpan station 吐鲁番地区吐鲁番市] on Lanxin Railway, and four people were killed. A 67 kilometres (42 mi) long wind-protection gallery has been built next to the tracks in this region[12]")
(i) Footnote 12 is a video clip: 兰新铁路第二双线联调联试:高速动车 大风中如何安稳前行? CCTV, June 4, 2014
, which demonstrates both 挡风墙 (on both sides of the tracks, which the second BBC does not show) and a tunnel 防风明洞 (view it in images,
(ii) 兰新铁路第二双线创高铁建设历史上多项之 '最.' 人民网, Nov 17, 2014.
(c) "从鄯善 Shanshan [吐鲁番地区 鄯善县 (on the eatern border of 吐鲁番市)] 开始,高铁线拐了个弯儿,工程很有挑战性、而且很奇妙。穿过祁连山脉,进入青藏高原 [through Xining],然后又拐回更平常的低地路线。看了看地图,我意识到,这就是我那位维族朋友画的弧线。我明白了他的谨慎暗示。抛开所有的经济利益,这也是一条政治线,是要显示出北京向回、藏两个民族聚居省份伸出了手。