(a) There is no need to read the rest.
(b) I think, the takeaway of quotation 1 is "中国目前收取的社会保障性费用 * * * 在全世界都属高水平."
(c) As for quotation 2, it is "分别高于当时," rather than the present.
(i) 104年第3週內政統計通報(103年底人口結構分析). 內政部統計處 (Taiwan), Jan 17, 2015
(d) For China's official demographic data, see
厳 善平 (同志社大学), 中国における少子高齢化とその社会経済への影響; 人口センサスに基づく実証分析. JR Iレビュー (English: JRI Review), 4: 21-41 (2013)
(at page 25: "(図表2)年少・高齢人口割合(2015年以降は予測) * * *(資料)『中国統計年鑑』発展研究基金会(2012)より作成" (1980-2040))
割合= ratio (in Japanese)
In 2015, China's population older than 65 are around 10%--lower than Taiwan's 12.0%. On the other hand, Taiwan's birth rate is about a third lower than the same as China's. See
Country Comparison: Birth Rate. CIA World Factbook, current ... order/2054rank.html
(average annual number of births during a year per 1,000 persons in the population at midyear; also known as crude birth rate' 2014 estimate: China 12.17, Taiwan 8.55)