(enacted on Mar 11, 1941; This program effectively ended the United States' pretense of neutrality and was a decisive step away from non-interventionist policy, which had dominated United States foreign relations since 1931)
(b) "苏普隆说,苏联北部摩尔曼斯克港的外国人数量当时远远超过今天。盟国海上运输编队的船只数量最多时能达上百艘,抵达苏联港口的外国水手人数最多时能达上万人,可见援助规模之大。"
(i) Murmansk
(a port city and the administrative center of Murmansk Oblast; The port of Murmansk remains ice-free year round due to the warm North Atlantic Current [qv])
The city name comes from its location on the Murman Coast, a sea coast.
(A) Murman – a Coast of Hope; Where is Murman, and why do we call it 'a coast of hope'? Murman; The Coast of Hope, undated. www.coast-of-hope.no/
("The Murman Coast extends eastward from the current Norwegian-Russian border. * * * It is a common belief that the word “Murman” is a russification of the Norwegian word 'nordmann' (Norwegian)")
The country code "no" in the URL stands for "Norway."
(B) Click "About" in the top horizontal bar, and the new Web page states, "This website is part of the exhibition 'Murman – the coast of hope. The history of colonization 1860 – 1940,' which opened on July 1st 2012 at Ekkerøy, Vadsø [a municipality in northern Norway; which is part of Murman Coast].
(C) Both Murmansk and Murman in "Murman Coast" have the accent in the first syllable.
For its location, see Arkhangelsk
(ii) 纳霍德卡 Nakhodka
(by "Sea of Japan, about 85 kilometers (53 mi) east of Vladivostok, the administrative center of the [Primorsky] krai")
For oblast and kari, see Federal subjects of Russia
(section 1 Terminology)
Northern Fleet
(1933- ; of Russian navy)
(ii) "二战中苏军著名的喀秋莎火箭炮(右)。喀秋莎火箭炮都架在美国援助的斯图贝克(左)等型号卡车上。莫斯科去年夏季的武器展。"
(A) Katyusha
(or Katusha; diminutive of Katya; may refer to "Katyusha rocket launcher, Soviet rocket launcher of World War II, named after the song")
(B) 斯图贝克 Studebaker
(1852–1967; Headquarters South Bend, Indiana; section 1 History)
* The Dutch, German, Danish, and Jewish (Ashkenazic) surname Becker: "a baker of bread, or brick and tiles, from backen ‘to bake’"
* German English dictionary
backen (v): "to bake"