My comment: I can not find the report in Strait Times. But I find others. The more recent and important one first.
(a) Li Huabo v Public Prosecutor, Singapore High Court 133. ... cutor-2014-sghc-133
(paragraph 2: Li Huabo "is a Chinese National and a Singaporean Permanent Resident. Since 2006, he had been working as a section director at Poyang County Finance Bureau ('PCFB') in Jiangxi Province, earning about RMB3000 a month. He resigned from his job and moved from China to Singapore with his family in January 2011. In February 2011, a police report was filed by a complainant [not named in this opinion])
(i) Supreme Court of Singapore
(consists of the Court of Appeal and the High Court and hears both civil and criminal matters)
(ii) Judgment (law)
(section 4 Types of Judgment: Reserved Judgment: a judgment that is not given immediately after the conclusion of the hearing or trial)
It comes from English term: reserve the judgment (not jump to conclusions).
(iii) The "s" of the "s 411" in the opinion is shortened from "section."