标题: KMT Implodes [打印本页] 作者: choi 时间: 5-16-2015 09:46 标题: KMT Implodes My comment: Maybe you and I are witnessing the end of KMT. (In a big bang or a whimper? To be announced.) If KMT may kick the bucket unexpectedly, so may CCP.
(a) Please note: The Apple Daily report came before KMT chairman Eric Chu 朱立倫 made the pronouncement presented in BBC.
(b) For 大咖, see 大咖•小咖•A咖•B咖•C咖 etc. Oct 6, 2014. In 台灣話的語源與理據(劉建仁著; e-book).
* A咖 = "A list" in Hollywood
(c) "馬只好在訪問中不斷舉出當年 [December 1998] 參選北市長的例子說,那時他不選,有人 [陳水扁 sought reelection] 就會躺著當選."
In that election, Ma (received 51.13% of the votes) beat Chen (45.91%) and 王建 (2.97%; 新黨).
(2) 施曉光, 朱立倫重申:2016不選總統 敗選就辭黨主席. Taipei Times, May 16, 2015.
"國民黨總統提名作業今天下午4點截止領表,[at 國民黨中央黨部 領表處] 黨主席朱立倫利用慰問工作人員的機會向媒體發表 [oral, not written] 聲明