塞万提斯 Miguel de Cervantes
(Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra; 1547 – 1616; son of Rodrigo Cervantes and his wife Leonor [Cortinas]; "Miguel at birth was not surnamed Cervantes Saavedra. He adopted the "Saavedra" name as an adult. By Spanish naming conventions his second surname was that of his mother, Cortinas"/ published Don Quixote (part I in 1605 and Part II in 1615))
(b) "1991年,芮效俭被任命为美国驻华大使。1994年2月,美国负责人权事务的助理国务卿约翰·沙塔克访问中国,提出要会见当时还在北京的中国民主人士魏京生。"
John Shattuck
(1943- ; From 1993 to 1998, he was United States Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor under President Bill Clinton)
(c) "[VOA reporter] 李肃:当年 [1995] 5月,美国国会参众两院几乎一致通过决议,要求美国总统同意让台湾总统李登辉到美国康奈尔大学参加校友会活动。克林顿总统迫于国会的压力,只好放行。 芮效俭:'本来是向中国保证不会允许李登辉访问美国。但是我们在最后一分钟变卦了,因为国会投票赞成他到美国来。中国没有得到适当的预警。所以我不得不去告诉他们,李登辉要访问美国了。中方很愤怒,因为美国国务卿亲口向他们保证过,不会允许李登辉访美。所以中国的反应极为强烈' * * * 尙慕杰:'* * * 中国政府认为,国务卿克里斯托弗保证过,不会允许李登辉进入美国。' "
Warren Christopher (1925 – 2011; US secretary of state in Bill Clinton's first term: Jan 20, 1993 - Jan 17, 1997)
(d) "李肃:1995年12月19日,他 [尙慕杰] 被任命为美国驻华大使。但是由于台湾总统李登辉访美引起的美中关系危机当时正在发酵,中国召回了驻华盛顿大使,同时迟迟不批准尙慕杰到北京赴任。从他接到任命到1996年2月14日他向中国国家主席江泽民递交国书,中间过了57天,使尙慕杰成为等候到任时间最长的美国驻中国大使。"
(i) James R Sasser (1936- ). US Department of State, undated (under the heading "Department History > People")
(:"Appointed: December 19, 1995[;] Presentation of Credentials: February 14, 1996[;] Termination of Mission: Left post. July 1, 1999")
(ii) US Senate confirmed him as US ambassador to China on Dec 14, 1995.
(e) "李肃:洪博培刚刚叙述的这个具有戏剧性的情节发生在1972年7月。当时洪博培的父亲是尼克松总统的特别助理。"
(i) 洪博培 = Jon Huntsman, Jr
(ii) his father was Jon Huntsman, Sr
(A) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Huntsman,_Sr.
(1937- ; Special Assistant and Staff Secretary to President Nixon (1971-1972))
(B) White House Office of the Staff Secretary
(section 3 Holders of the Office, section 3.8 Nixon Administration: (1971–1972) Jon Huntsman, Sr as Special Assistant to the President and Staff Secretary)