一路 BBS

标题: KMT on Its Way Out--to History's Dustbin [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 6-30-2015 15:05
标题: KMT on Its Way Out--to History's Dustbin
本帖最后由 choi 于 6-30-2015 16:32 编辑

周怡孜, 藍委爆退黨潮?國民黨團:大家對國民黨非常有信心. 風傳媒, June 30, 2015.

(2) 張嘉郡擬退黨 藍恐爆跳船潮; 不滿洪秀柱親中「中南部不關心」. Taiwan: Apple Daily, July 1, 2015.
http://www.appledaily.com.tw/app ... 3%E8%88%B9%E6%BD%AE
("藍委吳育昇 [considered to be in Ma Ying-jeou's faction] 則說,洪秀柱的兩岸論述衝過頭,必引起批評,一中同表會阻擋中南部選票,呼籲洪盡快修正論述。不具名藍委分析,國民黨明年本來就不好選 [in view of the trending since last year's election],洪又被說是親中、急統,若不調整政策,大家與黨切割的動作會越來越明顯。此外,已獲國民黨提名的彰化縣藍委鄭汝芬 [female] 昨也以家庭因素為由,將退選聲明寄送黨中央。國民黨發言人楊偉中說,將再與鄭協調")

My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest of the Apple Daily report.
(b) When 洪秀柱 advanced 一中同表--a step further than Ma's 一中各表, which is very unpopular already--I thought she was self-destructive.

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