My comment:
(a) "她 [洪秀柱] 说,2011年上天给她一个很好的考验,3月健康检查发现罹癌,4月6日动手术,4月7日是她生日,就此重生,接下来就是一连串的治疗。 她指出,当年是总统与立法委员选举,只要有造势大会邀她站台,从没缺席,而且一站就是2小时。选举结束后担任立法院副院长,任何一件需要出席或需要做的事情,从没少做。"
The 总统与立法委员选举 at issue was held on Jan 14, 2012. Ma Ying-jeou was re-elected and started the second term on May 20 that year. On the other hand, the legislators 立法委員 were sworn in on Feb 1, 2012 (3 1/2 months earlier).
(b) Judging from the context of recent news reports from Taiwan, her cancer (which was in the early stage anyway) was known among many people, including Ma at the time.
Note: 周玉蔻 was a KMT member until recently, when KMT refused her application for nomination (because the party rules dictates only people with certain standings may apply).