(1) Former president Lee Teng-hui submitted 寄稿 to a Japanese magazine called 月刊 Voice an article titled 日台新連携の幕開け, that generates a backlash (since four days ago) from KMT and New Party--but not People's First Party.
(a) Here is the cover of September issue 9月号 (on sale Aug 10, 2015: 8月10日発売):
At last today I get a grip of, from the article, the excerpts/ quotations, whose source is
永山英樹, 李登輝「台湾に抗日なし」発言が許せない国民党「中華民族主義」の実態. 台湾は日本の生命線!(name of th eblog), Aug 22, 2015.
(ii) "そもそも「抗日」というが、七十年前まで日本と台湾は「同じ国」だったのである。「同じ国」だったのだから、台湾が日本と戦った(抗日)という事実もない。
translation: To begin with, the so called 抗日. Up to seven decades ago, Japan and Taiwan were the same nation. Because [they were] the same nation, it is impossible [literal translation: such fact does not exist] that Taiwan fought against Japan. That is, Taiwan was engaged in 抗日.
translation: I volunteered for army, and my older brother 李登欽, for navy. At the time we the brothers had no doubt that we were Japanese, and fought for our fatherland/ motherland.
(c) Japanese English dictionary
* magire 紛れ 【まぎれ】 (n): "confusion"
^ magire mo nai 紛れもない(P); 紛れも無い(P) 【まぎれもない】 (adj): "certain; unmistaken; evident; obvious; beyond doubt"
* kaku-gi 閣議 【かくぎ】 (n): "cabinet meeting"
* o-wa-bi お詫び 【おわび】 (n): "apology"
* sha-zai 謝罪 【しゃざい】 (n,v): "apology"
* chi-e-bukuro 知恵袋 【ちえぶくろ】 (n): "(1) bag full of wisdom; bag containing all the world's wisdom; (2) person who is a fountain of wisdom; brains (of a company)"
& For "セリフ," (katakana) see
serifu せりふ [hiragana]; かはく(科白); だいし(台詞); セリフ 《台詞; 科白》 (n): "speech; words; one's lines; remarks <その女優はせりふを台なしにした。 The actress murdered her lines>"作者: choi 时间: 8-23-2015 10:24
陳伃軒, 日美同盟延長線 許世楷:台可扮演角色. Liberty Times, Aug 23, 2015
(我前駐日代表許世楷 (under president Chen Shui-bian) "說,安倍在二戰七十週年前夕發表的談話,談及反省的對象時,列舉印尼、菲律賓等東南亞國家,還提到「台灣、韓國、中國等鄰人」;很難得看見外國首相在正式公開場合上的發言,將台灣與中國並排,更何況台灣與日本沒有邦交,此舉會讓中國不開心")
My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest.
(b) The official transcripts, in both Japanese and English:
(i) 内閣総理大臣談話. 首相官邸, Aug 14, 2015 ("閣議決定") www.kantei.go.jp/jp/97_abe/discource/20150814danwa.html
(the entire paragraph: "我が国は、先の大戦における行いについて、繰り返し、痛切な反省と心からのお詫びの気持ちを表明してきました。その思いを実際の行動で示すため、インドネシア、フィリピンはじめ東南アジアの国々、台湾、韓国、中国など、隣人であるアジアの人々が歩んできた苦難の歴史を胸に刻み、戦後一貫して、その平和と繁栄のために力を尽くしてきました")
(ii) Statement by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet, Aug 14, 2015 ("Cabinet Decision").
("Japan has repeatedly expressed the feelings of deep remorse and heartfelt apology for its actions during the war. In order to manifest such feelings through concrete actions, we have engraved in our hearts the histories of suffering of the people in Asia as our neighbours: those in Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines, and Taiwan, the Republic of Korea and China, among others; and we have consistently devoted ourselves to the peace and prosperity of the region since the end of the war")
(c) nishimura_proof_news (screen name), 謝罪」と「お詫び」の違いってなんですか? Yahoo Japan 知恵袋, Oct 9, 2010 http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.c ... _detail/q1148396946
(A: (お礼:50枚 [知恵コイン]) どちらも同じ意味ですが、『詫びる』は和語であり、日本語に昔からある言葉で、『謝罪』は漢語であり、中国から伝わったものが日本語になったものだったと思います。 時代劇なんかでは『詫びる』という言葉はよく聞きますが、『謝罪』というセリフは聞いたことがないので、謝罪の方が日本語としての歴史が浅いようにも感じます。
Q: What is the difference between "owabi" お詫び and "sha-zai" 謝罪?
A: (award: 50 [Knowledge coins]) Though both means the same, "owabi-ru" 詫びる ["ru" signifying a verb] is a Japanese term that came from [Japan's] past, whereas "sha-zai" a Chinese term that transmitted from China and became Japanese--it seems to me. In period drama [where actors wear historic attire] and the like, we can hear 詫びる, and do not hear 謝罪 in actors' lines. That is because 謝罪 became part of Japanese only not so far ago--I feel.
(d) On this point, my thinking was/ is close to Lee's. Then I am puzzled why Abe named Taiwan a "neighbor," as opposed to part of Japan (a limb, maybe?).