Note: In “張榮味:朱王配嘛袜贏,” 袜 is the sound for Taiwanese word “not.”
(b) 蔡慧貞, 「只當副手沒誠意」 王金平陣營怒批朱立倫侮辱人. 風傳媒, Aug 31, 2015.
(i) Regarding the second sectional heading 朱立倫把王金平當擋箭牌 盼拖延補選時機. Eric Chu is 新北市長. If he runs for presidency, the Green may impel him to him the mayorship. Speaker Wang suggests if the Green should take the mayorship in a by-election prior to the presidential presidential election, his bid to presidency will be adversely affected.
(ii) Speaker Wang intimates that he should be the KMT nominee for presidency--based on opinion polls. (I do not know whether this is true.)