(a) Aleutian Islands
("are a chain of 14 large volcanic islands and 55 smaller ones belonging to both the United States and Russia. * * * mark a dividing line between the Bering Sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. * * * While nearly all the archipelago is part of Alaska * * * at the extreme western end, the small, geologically related Commander Islands belong to Russia")
(b) The quotation in (a) is confirmed by
, which shows Commander Islands, though part of Aleutian Islands, belong to Russia -- and that the only map displaying a chain of islands. So it is unclear what Mr Urban means by saying "中国军舰没有选择穿越美俄两国领土之间宽阔的公海海域离开白令海" -- except that there must be many points along the chain of Aleutian Islands that there is no need for China's warships to enter 12-nautical mile territorial waters of United States.