My comment:
(a) Read only the second half, starting with the paragraph that starts with: "只要攤開地圖,與上下左右的鄰居們比一比" (describing Hong Kong's economy is in decline -- because Hong Kong is disinclined to follow Beijing's lead).
(b) The website is 香港新聞網. "香港新闻网(HKCNA)是由香港历史最悠久的本地通讯社香港中国通讯社(Hong Kong China News Agency)主办的新闻网站,创立于一九九五年七月一日." 互动百科
(c) “每次來港,只要時間允許,我都喜歡乘叮當車從上環往筲箕灣緩緩走一趟”
(i) traditional Chinese: 叮噹車/ simplified Chinese: 叮当车
(A) 叮噹車 is a nickname for a tram 電車, of Hong Kong Tramways 香港電車有限公司.
(B) It appears that Chinese also call the cable car in San Francisco 叮当车.
(ii) 筲箕灣 Shau Kei Wan (是香港最早開發的地區之一。最早在明萬曆 [Wanli Emperor [1563-1620; reign 1572-1620] 年間,已經有漁民在此海灣居住; 筲箕灣本來是一個海灣 [before reclamation 填海],因為水域很圓,像一個大筲箕, 因而為名)
(A) 筲箕: “winnow basket“ in and “colander” in
(B) A “winnow basket” is also known as a “winnowing basket.”
(iii) twin maps of 筲箕灣, side by side for comparison: