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标题: 长征六号运载火箭发射目击记 [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 9-20-2015 09:16
标题: 长征六号运载火箭发射目击记
王琳琳, 创造我国 '一箭多星' 新纪录——长征六号运载火箭发射目击记. 新华网, Sept 20, 2015.

(a) A map showing 山西省忻州市岢岚县.

忻州公安群. 忻州 [市] 公安便民服务在线, undated.
(b) “长征六号运载火箭,是 * * * 新一代三级液体运载火箭,动力系统采用液氧 liquid oxygen [‘LOX’ for short] 煤油 kerosene 发动机,具有无毒、无污染、发射准备时间短等特点,主要用于满足微小卫星快速发射的任务。”

(2) China Focus: China's New Carrier Rocket Succeeds in 1st Trip. Xinhua, Sept 20, 2015
(Photo caption: "A new model of China's carrier rocket Long March-6 carrying 20 micro-satellites blasts off from the launch pad at 7:01 am from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in north China's Shanxi Province, Sept. 20, 2015. The new carrier rocket will be mainly used for the launch of micro-satellites and the 20 micro-satellites will be used for space tests")

My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest of the English report of Xinhua.
(b) Long March 5 (designed for heavy lift), 6 (light lift, with maximum payload 1 tonnes), 7 (mid-heavy lift) are China’s next-generation rockets. Both Long March 5 and 7 rockets are expected to lift off in 2016.
(c) Long March 6 was launched  seventeen hours ago; it is 1 pm EDT, Sept 20. So far neither Reuters nor Associated Press has reported. The only major English-language media outlet that report is AFP “11 hours ago” which states, “A 2011 policy paper issued by the State Council, or cabinet, said the Long March-6 would be capable of placing a tonne of payload into orbit at a height of 700 kilometres (434 miles).”

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