"安曲部落 [sectional heading] 远古时期,在喜马拉雅山脉、雅鲁藏布江上游的阿里地区,史称有名为吉让、叶让、叶色的天神三兄弟,其中叶让生有七个子女,其中最小之子有一子名为亚上吉。亚上吉抢夺了圣部吉让查每(夜叉灰太无血)的妻子,与她生有一子。因此,其子为圣和昆两个部族联姻之子,故取名为亚彻昆巴吉。此后的世世代代族名为 '昆。' 史载这跟萨迦是同一个祖先的传人。 吐蕃王朝第三十六代赤松德赞时期,此家族中有一子名为昆·华布切。藏王赤松德赞对他的才华极为欣赏,随后将他封为内阁大臣。藏王赤松德赞有 '身、口、意' 三个得意大臣,并将 '嗡、啊、吽' 三个种子字的印章分别赐予了他们。昆·华布切获得的是其中的 '啊' 字印章(语言印章),安曲(藏语音译,意为胜啊)这一词就此始传。[in other words, 安曲 became 族名, and one noted person was '安曲·嘉沃实名阿旺罗桑,是安曲·嘎特叶之子']
(b) “中国唯一拥有大呼图克图封号的女活佛是西藏桑顶活佛”
(i) 呼图克图 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/呼圖克圖
(藏语拼音:Hotogtu; 是清朝及中华民国初年对一部分高级藏传佛教转世喇嘛所封的职衔)
(ii) 桑顶·多吉帕姆活佛 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/桑顶·多吉帕姆活佛
(THL:Samding Dorjé Pakmo; 为藏传佛教中地位最高的女活佛系统,桑顶寺的寺主活佛)
(iii) THL stands for "The Tibetan and Himalayan Library," University of Virginia www.thlib.org
whose Tibetan phonology was promulgated in 2003.
(iv) Located at 西藏自治区山南地区 浪卡子县 浪卡子乡, 桑顶寺 is 为西藏现存的 噶舉派 [Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism] 香巴噶舉支派 Shangpa Kagyu 少数寺院之一. 作者: choi 时间: 9-27-2015 09:03
(2) 西藏流亡政府前高官获准返中国定居. BBC Chinese, Sept 27, 2015. www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/china/ ... ibet_achok_rinpoche
(a) The title 安曲仁波切 (which seems to be the title of abbott of 查理寺) is “Achok Rinpoche” in English, which is from the Reuters report. See the next posting.
(b) Rinpoche https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rinpoche
(literally means "precious one"/ “is used in the context of Tibetan Buddhism as a way of showing respect when addressing those recognized as reincarnated, older, respected, notable, learned and/or an accomplished Lamas or teachers of the Dharma. It is also used as an honorific for abbots of monasteries")作者: choi 时间: 9-27-2015 09:04
(3) Ben Blanchard, Dalai Lama's Former Biographer Takes Up Residence in China. Reuters, Sept 27, 2015. www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/ ... USKCN0RR05F20150927
My comment: There is no need to read the short report from Reuters, which basically translates part of (1) above.