标题: 洪秀柱 Has Her Back to the Wall [打印本页] 作者: choi 时间: 10-5-2015 17:15 标题: 洪秀柱 Has Her Back to the Wall (1) It is 7 pm EDT, Monday, Oct 5, 2015. Here is 洪秀柱's proclamation "10 hrs ago" (toward the end of Oct 5 local time) in Facebook:
Note: The Hunt for Red October is a 1990 film. 作者: choi 时间: 10-5-2015 17:16
(3) 中國時報, Oct 6, 2015
(a) China Times -- actually all newspapers in Taiwan -- has the same timeline as quotation 1 in (2)(a), except adding that "9月18日,洪秀柱當面邀請朱立倫擔任副手,遭朱拒絕,黨內嗅出「換柱」氣氛已逐漸醞釀成熟。" The same China Times report also collaborates quotation 2 of (2)(a): "停損 丟3成挺柱票 [, which is the sectional heading] 至於「換柱」導致擁柱派或深藍反彈,在國民黨內部評估,7成挺柱會轉支持朱立倫,最多就是流失原先3成的挺柱票。 「長痛不如短痛!」 [KMT] 決策高層說."
(b) Apparently China Times is sympathetic toward Hong. Not only the afore-mentioned report ends with the sentence: "柱柱姐成為最大犧牲品."柱柱姐成為最大犧牲品," but two other titles say it all: "陳橋兵變 換柱定案 朱立倫帶職參選2016" and "社論-換柱要先大辯論 才能取得正當性."
(c) 李明賢, 柱姐:2016絕不退選. http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20151006000410-260102