"But their efforts did not go unnoticed. The family say they have endured a decade of police surveillance, including several beatings for the parents -- one of which left them bedridden for two months.
"For now, Li Xue has found work at a restaurant willing to look past her undocumented status. 'For the first time, I’ve been able to be judged on the basis of what I can do -- my skills, not my status -- and it feels great,' she said. But she added: 'This job is temporary. My future, I can’t even imagine it.'
My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest, because reading (d) will be enough .
(b) The quotation is an update of her (LI Xue's) situation.
(c) 艾米, 中国计划生育政策或将于2016年寿终正寝. Radio France International (RFI) 法廣, Nov 8, 2015 (under "法国报纸摘要") http://cn.rfi.fr/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B ... 8%E5%87%80%E5%AF%9D
("他们受到警方日夜监护,李雪的母亲指着屋里的三个监控摄像镜头无奈地说,他们成了号码。 * * * 今年七月底,中国媒体引用匿名政府消息来源报道指出,到今年年底,所有夫妇均可以生二胎,但这个消息在网络上被广泛转播和评论后,中国卫生和计划生育委员会出来对此消息避谣。但一些专家表示,这实际上只是个时间问题")