"你可以看到,北大官网英文版的英文拙劣,有刺眼的低级语法错误,而且充满宣传和捏造,例如,'(哈佛大学教授、中国问题专家)马若德认为,人们可以认为习近平主席提出的中国梦的思想是对马克思主义的创新发展,对人类发展会有积极的影响。”(Roderick MacFarquhar believed that the notion of Chinese dream put forward by President Xi could be regarded as the innovative development of Marxism, which would has a positive effect on human development.) (http://english.pku.edu.cn/news_events/news/global/3979.htm).
(a) "伏尔泰 [1694 – 1778] 认为中国是一个伟大的国家,理想的国家;中国实行选贤与能的制度,用公平的考试来选拔政府官员,中国的皇帝(乾隆皇帝)是一个睿智超凡的帝王(即法语所谓的un roi philosophe,英语所谓的a philosopher-king),中国没有愚昧的宗教,因此也就没有让欧洲国家吃尽苦头的宗教战争。"
(i) "Philosopher kings are the rulers of Plato's utopia." Wikipedia
(ii) utopia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utopia
(The word was coined by Sir Thomas More in Greek [language] for his 1516 book Utopia (in Latin), describing a fictional island society in the Atlantic Ocean; section 1 Etymology)
(b) "孟德斯鸠认为由皇帝大权独揽的中国根本就不是什么理想国,而是一个完美的反面典型,让人得以见识一个国家的制度可以如何恶劣、如何不可取。孟德斯鸠在其名著《法的精神》中指出,中国 '是暴政制度,靠恐惧驱动。' * * * 孟德斯鸠认为,中国应该实行立法、行政和司法权力分立,但中国离这种局面还相距遥远。"
(i) Montesquieu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montesquieu
(1689 – 1755; section 1 Biography: "His father died in 1713 and he became a ward of his uncle, the Baron de Montesquieu. * * * The Baron died in 1716, leaving him his fortune as well as his title")
(ii) 法的精神 (French: De l'esprit des lois, English: (On) The Spirit of the Laws, 1748)
(c) The views of Voltaire and Montesquieu on China are summarized in
(d) "荷兰主要报纸《人民报》(de Volkskrant)专门从事欧洲和亚洲新闻报道的外事记者福克·奥贝马(Fokke Obbema)可以说是西方国家加入伏尔泰/孟德斯鸠有关中国辩论的后起之秀。 先前担任《人民报》商业新闻部主编的奥贝马新近出版了论述西方人如何看当今中国的一本书,其英文版的标题是《中国与西方——亚洲时代的希望与恐惧》。"
(i) de Volkskrant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Volkskrant
(English: the People's Paper; a Dutch daily morning newspaper; 1919- ; Language Dutchl based un Amsterdam; currently has a circulation of approximately 250,000 nationwide)
(ii) Dutch English dictionary:
* volk (noun neuter): "people" https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/volk
^ cognate with German noun neuter Volk and English noun folk.
* krant (noun feminine; from French [noun masculine] courant current (of water, electricity, thought etc)): "newspaper" https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/krant
(iii) Fokke Obbema, China and the West; Hope and fear in the age of Asia. London: IB Tauris. Aug 30, 2015
德博拉·布罗提加姆 Deborah Bräutigam, PhD Professor, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, undated. https://www.sais-jhu.edu/deborah-bräutigam
(f) "莱顿大学现代中国研究教授弗兰克·皮克"
(i) Frank N Pieke (transliteration in Chinese: 弗兰克·皮克, but his Chinese name is now 彭轲)
彭轲 (Frank N Pieke). 海外华人研究, National University of Singapore, undated www.lib.nus.edu.sg/chz/chineseoverseas/oc_pk.htm
(ii) Prof dr FN (Frank) Pieke. Leiden University Institute of Area Studies (LIAS), undated hum.leiden.edu/lias/organisation/chinese/piekefn.html
(Current post: Professor and Chair, Modern China Studies, University of Leiden (from July 2010); University education: PhD, Cultural Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley (1992), Doctoraal (cum laude), Cultural Anthropology, University of Amsterdam (1982))