(a) "12月14号出刊的中国《南方人物周刊》杂志就以洪秀柱作为封面人物,标题是 '洪秀柱党的女人,' 其中还刊载了对洪秀柱的长篇专访,其中就有提及洪秀柱可以在未来参选国民党党主席时延续声势。 但是,洪秀柱在周三(16日)则表示,那是《南方人物周刊》自身推测,大家看看就好。"
(i) "《南方人物周刊》是南方报业传媒集团主管、南方周末出口的综合类人物周刊。"
(ii) The current issue:
(b) Nowadays Eric Chu's poll is similar to or merely a few point higher (but within statistical errors) than 洪秀柱 used to be. Because KMT treated 洪秀柱 unfairly (some may say because she is a woman in the old-boy network), 洪 is deemed a tragic hero(ine) among Taiwanese these days.