标题: Radio Free Asia, on Taiwan [打印本页] 作者: choi 时间: 12-24-2015 08:59 标题: Radio Free Asia, on Taiwan (1) 苗秋菊, 马英九视察国家级的南港生技园区 脸色铁青不满中研院工程延宕. RFA, Dec 24, 2015 www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao/gangtai/km1-12242015100012.html
("在台湾,[Dec 16] 总统马英九视察国家级的 [中央研究院 Academia Sinica] 南港生技园区,对于工程延宕怒飙中央研究院十分钟;由于民进党副总统候选人陈建仁原本任职中研院副院长,负责生命科学领域,马英九的重炮抨击也遭外界解读就是在骂陈建仁。 * * * 外 界解读,马英九批评 '没人跟我报告' 的那个人就是陈建仁 * * * 民进党总统候选人蔡英文也表示,总统好像搞错了方向,国防部202兵工厂土地交付时间延宕,政府协调责任难辞其咎")
My comment:
(a) This is old news.
(b) On the other hand, when it was reported back then that president Ma Ying-jeou was upset about the delay. the reports did not allude to the context or his motive. The report did mention that the delay was in part due to the fact that 国防部202兵工厂 did not transfer the land in time.
(c) Now I learn more. However, as I look back and do a limited research on this topic, media in Taiwan (instead of RFA) first broached 陈建仁 as the intended target of reproach.
(a) Of course I have not heard of him. None could be discussed in those days.
(b) 簡吉 https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/簡吉
(1903-1951; 1928年6月簡吉與台灣共產黨的謝雪紅、楊克煌等人結識; 於[1947] 二二八事件時加入中國共產黨; 1950年簡吉被捕判處死刑,隔年3月7日在台北馬場町被槍決)
(c) 大众集团 in China refers to Volkswagen (which is 福斯 in Taiwan). On the contrary, 简明仁 is "大眾電腦" 董事長.
My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest.
(b) "宋楚瑜会前被问到国民党黄复兴党部票源流失问题时表示"
讓國民黨倒耳語發酵 黃復興鐵票大出逃. 壹週刊, Dec 23, 2015. www.nextmag.com.tw/breaking-news/election/20151223/31958435
(i) "王如玄枉顧軍眷權益炒作軍宅." To date, I have not figured out what is wrong, much less unlawful.
(ii) 壹傳媒有限公司(簡稱壹傳媒;英语:Next Digital Ltd; 成立於1990年; 創辦人 黎智英; established 壹週刊 (台灣) in 2001 and still owns it)
(c) 朱立倫 (1961- )
* * *
妻子:高婉倩。" zh.wikipedia.org
(i) 里长: "透过四年一次定期选举选出,无连任限制." zh.wikipedia.org
(ii) I never knew, while in Taiwan, anything (who, where etc) about 里长 in my homestead in City of Kaohsiung. The position was not elected then, with no pay or benefit. 里 in Taiwan is very small, about two dozen households. It was said 里长 would be foot soldiers for KMT, to turn out the votes and 賄選. First of all, in no elections did anybody approach our household, not to mention pay a small sum of money in exchange for votes. (But we urbanites are above that anyway: no persons we knew of have ever received any money as quid pro quo.)