(a) "两岸政策协会周二发布封关民调"
(i) 兩岸政策協會
(2015年1月1日成立; 兩岸政策協會的理監事與顧問都是跨黨派的)
(ii) Regarding "封关." Taiwanese law forbids ANNOUNCEMENT of polling results up to ten days before an election. Of course it is unconstitutional by US standard, constituting prior constraint.
(b) "国会观察基金会董事长姚立明分析 * * * 朱玄配民调始终偏低的主因,在于年轻人不买国民党的帐,支持率只有个位数,尤其宋莹配在首投族的支持率甚至还赢朱玄配一倍多。姚立明说:'单单讲年轻人这四、五百万人,朱立伦几乎没有票。'
(i) 姚立明姚立明
(籍貫浙江; 德國國立比勒費爾德大學 Universität Bielefeld 法學博士)
(ii) The number of eligible voters, or the electorate, is "close to 19 million [out of a total of 23.5 million]." Number of Eligible Voters Up by More Than 700,000. Radio Taiwan International (state-owned), Dec 31, 2015.
(A) The voting age in Taiwan is 20.
(B) Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution ... States_Constitution
(passed in 1971; lower[ed] the voting age from 21 to 18)