(a) "港警方发声明"
(i) in traditional Chinese characters: "2016-01-18 警方就李波事件接獲內地覆函[:] 警方今日(一月十八日)傍晚收到廣東省公安廳警務聯絡科的覆函,表示「經了解,李波現在內地」,亦附上其本人致特區政府有關部門的信件,內容與今日傳媒報導他在一月十七日寫給妻子的信相若。警方已經聯絡李太,她確認該信的字跡屬於李波。警方今晚已去函廣東省公安廳警務聯絡科要求安排與李波會面,並進一步了解事件的情況。"
香港警務處 新聞公報
(ii) In English: "2016-01-18 Police receive reply letter from the Mainland on Lee Po's case[:] Police received a reply letter from the Interpol Guangdong Liaison Office of Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department this evening (January 18), stating that 'having understood that Lee Po is in the Mainland.' Also enclosed is a letter from Lee Po addressing to relevant government department of HKSARG. The content of the letter is similar to the one received by his wife on January 17 and was reported by the media today. Police have contacted Mrs Lee. She confirmed that it was Lee Po's handwriting in the letter. Police wrote to the Interpol Guangdong Liaison Office of Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department tonight requesting to meet with Lee Po and further understand the situation of the incident."
Press Release. Hong Kong Police Force.