Note: Emily Rauhala, Hong Kong bookseller’s televised 'confession' was absurd and incoherent — and that’s the point. Washington Post, Jan 18, 2016. ... nd-thats-the-point/
(a) View only the last photo, which shows disparity of shirts.
(b) the Cantonese comment on that particular photo "件底衫唔連戲"
(i) Though pronounced differently, 件 in Cantonese and Mandarin means the same. Here 這 is omitted.
(ii) 底衫底衫
my translation: 底衫: broadly defined as underwear (including top and bottom (ie, boxer or panties) ); strictly speaking it is the top or undershirt, excluding the bottom.
底衫 may be used for undershirt (or underwear) of both males and females, adults and children.
(iii) 唔 = negative (not, no etc)
(iv) 唔連戲, whose antonym is 連戲 (defined as "continuity" in English)
(v) For 喎, see User: Danielairy/粵字表 Danielairy/粵字表
("喎 粵語發音:wo5 意思:語氣詞,常用在表達別人的吩咐 舉例:佢 [he or she] 叫你今日去開會喎")
Basically the word has no meaning, more or less like 唄 (which is unknown in Taiwan).