"索罗斯 * * * 在达沃斯论坛接受彭博社访问指出,就他观察,中国其实已无法避免经济 '硬着陆。' 他没有阐释所谓 '硬着陆' 定义,但指出中国目前经济成长率仅3.5%,远低于官方新数据所显示去年第四季的成长率为6.8%。索罗斯说,中国资本外逃、负债已达到无法持续下去的程度,都是经济硬着陆的迹象。彭博数据显示,去年1至11月,撤出中国的资金高达8430亿美元。 对此,经济学者温克坚 [a Chinese whose blog says '居杭州' without mentioning his education] 26日接受记者采访时称,中国经济“硬着陆”乃大势所趋,确实无可避免
My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest of this report, where the new development is Beijing's excoriation of Mr Soros.
(b) My Jan 23, 2016 posting titled "Fears About China's Economy Fester at Davos" presented in (c) a video clip of Bloomberg TV's interview of Mr Soros at Davos. At the time I failed to find a transcript. However, I just found one (and only one; to date Bloomberg.com has not published the transcript itself).
George Soros Says China Hard Landing Inevitable, EU In Crisis, Beware QE Mistakes, And More [FULL BLOOMBERG TRANSCRIPT]. ValueWalk,com, Jan 22, 2016. http://valuewalkposts.tumblr.com ... -landing-inevitable
(Soros: "the key issue [about China] is deflation. * * * [Q: 'On China, do you expect, actually, a – a hard landing?'] Well, it’s – it has happened. We – I’m merely – I’m not expecting it, I’m just observing it. * * * [Q: 'On China, the vice president of China was here in Davos. And he says they are not actively pursuing a policy of devaluating the yuan. Do you believe him?'] No, I think that they made a commitment to – when Xi Jinping was in Washington. He made a commitment that he will bring the depreciation of the currency”)
That was all Mr Soros had to say about China. There is no need to read the rest of the transcript, either.