My comment:
(a) I read this last night, but had no access to Internet to post it here. Today, the date of the report is "Feb 6, 2016," though the URL retains "20160205."
(b) The quotations above are all remarks of 西诺 in the interview.
(c) In this VOA report, there is a summary prepared by the interviewer, a VOA reporter. The summary contains: "去年11月以来,桂民海等五人相继被失踪后,西诺决定将手中书稿出版。由于他的共同作者朋友反对,西诺在与其达成协议后以个人名义出版了该书。他表示,该书的纸质版即将上市 [not specifying when or where (Taiwan is most likely)],电子版一度在谷歌网络书店上架,因其朋友反对而下架;现在他以个人名义再度上架。"
(i) As of now, the e-book:
西诺, 习近平与他的情人们. Uniepress Inc, Feb 2, 2016西诺_习近平与他的情人们?id=cDx_CwAAQBAJ
("歌德那部 '阴谋与爱情' 这样的轻歌剧"
(ii) 《阴谋与爱情》 is NOT written by Goethe. See
Fiesco (play)
(full title: Die Verschwörung des Fiesco zu Genua, or Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa; the second full length drama written [in 1783] by the German playwright Friedrich Schiller [1759 – 1805]; "Genoa in 1547. * * * In the play Fiesco is himself unable to decide between republican and monarchic ideals, and almost gives in to the urging of his wife Leonore to give up his desire to rule in favor of love and conventional family life, but only almost")
(iii) German English dictionary:
* Verschwörung (noun feminine; plural: plural Verschwörungen): "conspiracy"örung
* I am clueless about "des."
* zu (preposition): "at, by, on <zu Hause at home>
(d) The writer 西诺 for the past two days has been busy talking to media, perhaps with an aim to 敲山震虎. See
(i) Tom Phillips, Author Linked to Missing Hong Kong Publishers Calls on Beijing to Free Them; Writer Xi Nuo says five men should not be punished for his book about China’s president, which prompted a crackdown on publishers in Hong Kong. Guardian (US), Feb 4, 2016. ... s-beijing-free-them
six consecutive paragraphs:
"Xi Nuo said he had completed his book on the president for Gui’s company in 2014. However, he claimed Gui decided not to publish after receiving a visit from a Chinese government agent.
"Last year Gui appears to have changed his mind.
"Before he was detained in December, Lee Bo told the Guardian he suspected his friend’s disappearance was connected to imminent plans to publish a mysterious and highly sensitive book.
"Those plans never materialised, with Gui vanishing from his holiday home in Thailand in mid-October, before the book could be released.
"However, a version of the salacious tome appeared online last month.
"Xi Nuo said he decided to publish the book online in order to challenge Beijing, adding: 'Why doesn’t the government come to New York and sue us?'
(ii) Juliana Liu, Hong Kong's Missing Booksellers and 'Banned' Xi Jinping Book. BBC, Feb 4, 2016
("Ching Cheong 程翔 [born in 1949 in Guangzhou; a journalist with The Straits Times] believes one of the reasons the leadership is so eager to shut down the entire market is that political factions regularly leak information to publishers like Mr Gui to embarrass their rivals. A faction loyal to former president Jiang Zemin is said to be feuding with the power base of the current president")
There is no need to read the rest of (d)(i) or (ii), because they are familiar.