标题: The Body of a Homeless Tainan Woman Is the last to Retrieve [打印本页] 作者: choi 时间: 2-19-2016 09:20 标题: The Body of a Homeless Tainan Woman Is the last to Retrieve (1) 賴清德臉書. https://zh-hk.facebook.com/chingte
(a) Feb 18, 2016: "賴清德新增了 2 張相片。昨天 4:50 發佈 · 林函霏小姐,在今天傍晚5點40分已經被尋獲。 * * * 在林函霏經常逗留的騎樓柱子位置,地底下方2.6公尺處,終於尋獲她的大體並已經送到殯儀館 * * *
(b) (the item before it) Feb 17, 2016: "賴清德新增了 2 張相片。2月17日 22:09 · * * * 在救災過程,我聽聞遠在美國紐約有兩位台灣女孩心繫台南震災,不畏低溫,在紐約街頭為台南震災募款。 * * *
(a) 林函霏 was 遊民 or 街友 homeless.
(b) She used to sleep with bedding by the same pillar of the same 騎樓 )of 維冠金龍大樓) at night.
(c) 騎樓 https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/骑楼
(d) I have no idea why 大體 is used. It was not a term in use when I was there (up to mid 1980s).
(e) 賴清德 LAI, Ching-Teh
(1959- ; 國立成功大學學士後醫學系畢業、美國哈佛大學公共衛生學院碩士; 於2010年臺南市長選舉中勝出,並於四年後再次勝選、成功連任市長)
(i) There are two ways to go to a medical school in Taiwan: traditional way of entering a seven-year medical school after high school, or a two-decade old new method of entering a four-year medical school after college (same as most in US). Often the same medical schools in Taiwan offer both side by side. Two sets of entrance examinations but both lead to bachelor of medicine 醫學士, as opposed to MD (medical doctor) for the latter.
(ii) 賴清德 is the only government official who advocates Taiwan independence publicly. He took himself out of consideration to be the running mate of Ms Tsai Ing-wen for the 2016 ticket (my guess is he wants to be president himself someday).