标题: Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Feb 15, 2016 (III) [打印本页] 作者: choi 时间: 3-6-2016 18:21 标题: Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Feb 15, 2016 (III) I can not tell whether you will be interested. This is like Dallas, an American TV series.
(9) Felix Gillette, Lawyer Stays in the Picture. Philippe Dauman won the first round. But the fight for Sumner Redstone's empire is far from over. (one of feature stories). http://www.bloomberg.com/news/ar ... t-the-top-of-viacom
On "Jan 29, Stephen Read, a geriatric psychiatrist * * * Under a court order, Read had been granted up to one hour to test Redstone’s mental competency on behalf of [plaintiff in a California superior court lawsuit at Los Angeles, and Redstone’s former health-care agent Manuela Herzer, whom Dauman replaced last October]. Days later, with the results of the psychiatric exam still under seal, Redstone resigned as executive chair of CBS and Viacom, the media conglomerates that he controls through his privately held company, National Amusements.
"It promises to be one of the most tangled and protracted succession fights since the Jin dynasty's War of the Eight Princes.
(a) The online title: The Bizarre Money Triangle at the Top of Viacom; Fight night on cable: Sumner Redstone vs his daughter vs his lawyer.
(c) "Among the megafauna that roamed the executive suites and boardrooms at media conglomerates in the past half-century, Redstone had few equals."
(i) megafauna (n; First Known Use 1927): "animals (as bears, bison, or mammoths) of particularly large size" www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/megafauna
(ii) fauna (n; sister of Faunus): "animal life; especially : the animals characteristic of a region, period, or special environment" www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fauna
* Faunus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faunus
(in Roman myth, equated in literature with the Greek god Pan; Fauna)
(iii) Both fauna and magafauna both refer to "animals" -- in plural form.
(d) "In the presentation, [an CBS/ Viacom investor named] Jackson included a still from the 1989 comedy Weekend at Bernie's, in which two happy-go-lucky numskulls discover that their rich boss has died and proceed to trick everyone into believing that he's still alive while helping themselves to his fortune."