Note: There is no need to read the rest of the RFA report. Read the originals below.
(a) 李波致桂敏海女兒電郵:憂桂因政治理由被內地特工帶走. 香港《南華早報》中文網, Mar 8, 2016.
ODDLY, South China Morning Post has removed the posting from its website, merely a few hours after the online (and presumably print) publication.
(i) None of Google, Bing, or Yahoo has cached the report.
(ii) The only trace (besides the title above) in the Web the report leaves is a sippet in Google's search return: " '我寫信給你是事關Michael(桂敏海洋名)的下落。我不知道你是否知道,他已經失蹤了超過20天,我們擔心,他是因政治理由被內地特工帶走了。' "