* There is no need to read the rest of this VOA report, little of which is worth reading. I fail to find the 燕薪's posting at issue.
(ii) Apparently who detained Mr Jia Jia and where is news.
What I am unsure about is the date 端傳媒 publishes the report.
Quotation 1 of the 端傳媒 report indicates at least this paragraph (the first paragraph) is breaking news. What about the rest?
(A) online, to the left of the byline ("端傳媒記者 張潔平 發自香港") there is absolutely nothing. However copy this byline and and paste it, and you will see "2016-03-18" appears to the left of the byline. Indeed, otherwise this particular 端傳媒 report carries no dateline. At the same time., Google dates the 端傳媒 report: "2 days ago."
2016-03-18 端傳媒記者 張潔平 發自香港