Note: "加拿大作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德 Margaret Atwood [1939- ] 的小说《盲刺客》The Blind Assassin [2000] 中,有一个寓意深刻的情节:赛克隆星球的萨基诺城,曾因奴隶的勤劳而辉煌。"
(i) 林嘉慧, Chap One: Introduction. 2004, at page 3 ... 3348/6/51011106.pdf
("And the third narrative is woven within the novel under Laura's name. During the time of the lovers' affairs, the young man tells a science-fiction story about a blind assassin and a sacrificial maiden in another dimension of the universe -- in a city called Sakiel-Norm on the planet of Zycron")
(ii) This is part (specifically part 6, as shown in the URL) of a thesis to fulfill requirement of master's degree ("a master thesis").
林嘉慧 Lin, Chia-hui, 當血肉之軀成神話—瑪格麗特˙愛德伍《盲眼刺客》中的原型閱讀 When a Person Becomes a Myth—An Archetypal Reading of Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin. 國立政治大學英國語文學系, July 2005 (碩士學位論文).