(a) "李光耀的女儿李玮玲在脸书上发文,表达对纪念活动的反对。 * * * 她还指责某家报纸甘为政府走狗,拒绝刊发未经编辑修改的稿件。她所批评的报纸《海峡时报》强烈否认对稿件进行审查。"
(i) Zaobao reported that all of this the daughter had posted on her Facebook page but removed hours later (for this reason, I do not know whether she wrote in English or Chinese, but My guess is in English. See (ii)(B)).
I do not have a Facebook account, so I am clueless whether some contents are deleted or not.
(B) HOWEVER, the following is an old posting that concerns the dispute between the sister and the Straits Times.