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标题: 美议员:美中人权议题最大区别为是否愿被公开批评 [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 4-16-2016 08:15
标题: 美议员:美中人权议题最大区别为是否愿被公开批评
本帖最后由 choi 于 4-16-2016 10:13 编辑

VOA Chinese, Apr 16, 2016.
www.voachinese.com/content/voa-n ... 160415/3288452.html

(a) "美国国会民主党籍众议员蒂姆.沃兹(Rep Tim Walz)回应说,美国非常欢迎中国的这份报告,但他强调,美中两国在面对人权问题时的最大区别在于政府能不能接受公开批评检验,他说,那些每天批评美国政府的人不会因为自己的言论而被关进监狱或被酷刑严惩。"
(i) The German surname Walz is "from a pet form of the personal name Walter."
(ii) Mr Timothy J Walz is from first Congressional district of Minnesota.

(b) "西顿霍尔大学法学院教授陆梅吉(Margaret K Lewis)表示,美国不是完美的国家,美国有许多地方可以被公开批评,但没有人会因为公开批评政府或检讨政府而被失踪,而且在大部分的情况下,美国的法律还是能保护人权。她举例说,在911事件之后,西顿霍尔大学法学院旗下的研究机构曾发表一份关于关塔纳摩湾监狱的报告,但事后没有人因为这件事受到惩罚。"
(i) Margaret Lewis. Professor of Law, School of Law, Seton Hall University ("Seton Hall Law" for short), undated
(her courses includes "Law in Contemporary China"/ her "research focuses on China's legal system with an emphasis on criminal justice")
(ii) Guantanamo Reports. Seton Hall Law Center for Policy and Research ("Center for Policy and Research"

About the title of one report:
Spying on Attorneys at GTMO: Guantánamo Bay military commissions and the destruction of attorney-client relationship. Apr 12, 2013.

Guantanamo is shortened to GTMO, which has become Gitmo colloquially (where the first syllable sounds the same as that in "giggle").

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