My comment: I read it, but did not know what was going on, because the report was sketchy. I also read press release from US Department of Justice )DOJ) that day, which said little. I did not bring it to your attention.
My comment:
(a) I do not know why it takes VOA six days before reporting it. The delay is not unprecedented, though.
(b) However, this VOA report has many pieces of information that are not found in the DOJ's press release, such as
(i) 她的 "上级" 被认为是一名代号 "A" 的哈尔滨工程大学自动化学院教授
(ii) IFour国际
(iii) 与于阿敏一同受到指控的还有她的五名同事,这些人均被哈尔滨工程大学直接或间接雇佣过 [where are they, in China or US?]
(c) The press release:
Florida Woman Charged in 18-Count Indictment for Conspiracy to Illegally Export Systems, Components and Documents to China; Defendant is Charged with Acting as an Illegal Agent of a Foreign Government in the United States Without Prior Notification to the Attorney General, Among Other Crimes. Office of Public Affairs, DOJ, Apr 21, 2016. ... tems-components-and