(a) "一個最新事例是即將出任行政院政委 [政務委員 minister without portfolio] 的張景森,在社交网站 [Facebook] 上用包括粗口在内嘲讽過去聲援抗拒台北市一起都更 [都市更新 urban renewal] 案强拆民房的年輕人,這引起了民間的一股憤怒反應。"
(i) I had not heard of 張景森 until he, along with the incoming Tsai Ing-wen adminstration, shot himself on the foot. He does not have a Wikipedia page.
(ii) I can not find his deleted posting, but it is well reported that in that posting, he famously criticized those whose rose up against KMT's decisions (Taipei mayor
Hau Lung-pin 郝龍斌, 2006-2014): "史上最Kuso的一場社會運動."
(iii) Japanese English dictionary:
* kuso 糞; 屎 【くそ】 (int[erjection]): "(1) (col[loquial]) bullshit; shit; damn; (n) (2) (col) feces; excrement; dung; (adj-f) (3) (くそ, くっそ, クソ only) damn; damned; blasted; stupid"
The Chinese pronunciation for 糞 is "fun."
(iv) 文林苑都市更新爭議文林苑都市更新爭議
(2012年3月28日台北市政府依法執行法院判決,拆除王家住宅 [under the doctrine of eminent domain])
(b) "而林飛帆對林全的反應則表示遺憾。他說林全的反應一如預料,但張景森的問題從不在於用字、措辭、風格與說法,而是其背後的政治價值與政策立場。林飛帆並說如果民進黨的政治視野還跟國民黨一樣,換民進黨執政的意義不過是換個新的保守政黨。"
(i) I told you so, Tsai Ing-wen is merely a trasitional figure.
(ii) My obserfvation has been KMT and DPP are two sides of the same coin. Their only difference is attitude toward China -- I won';t say policy, because neither has policy on anything, to the extent a policy reflects philosophy.
These technocrats act as if they were gods.
(d) "蔡英文政府卻大量起用了國民黨官員。這其中包括了陸委會、國發會、國防部、外交部等重要部會都將由過去國民黨政府官員出任部長,總統府秘書長也來自過去國民黨政府。蔡英文固然是原本出身國民黨政府的幕僚,且行政院長林全也被有意無意強調其出身 '深藍' 背景,但民進黨在台灣民間倒國民黨浪潮高漲下勝選後,卻反過頭來任命國民黨官員出任要職,也引起了一些支持者的不安與疑質。"
I have not heard of him until today. 陳添枝 has no Wiki page. He is 國立臺灣大學經濟系教授 (PhD in economics Penn State University 1979-1983, 臺灣大學電機系學士,1971-1975).
(f) "這些公民團體針對的是民進黨提出的《兩岸訂定協議監督條例草案》。他們說民進黨並未落實自已承諾的五大立法原則,使得這樣的法律一旦通過,等於是民進黨在推動執行國民黨及馬英九路線。"
DPP version of 兩岸訂定協議監督條例草案 is almost identical to KMT's.