Note: USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19)
(is the third Navy ship named after the Blue Ridge Mountains in the Appalachian Mountains)
(b) 南海对抗或升级 北京拒美航母靠港请求. BBC Chinese, Apr 29, 2019 (Google: 3 hours ago) ... s_carrier_hk_denied
("早间来自香港《南华早报》的报道称,最先透露消息的是美国驻港领馆一名官员。 * * * 美国官方还表示,中国外交部方面是北京时间4月28日晚对美国做出不允许停靠表示的,但是中方没有具体给出拒绝停靠的原因和理由")
My comment:
(i) The quotation is the only thing new. There is no need to read the rest of the BBC report.
(ii) It is 3 pm, Friday, Apr 29. The BBC report, when published, was unaware whether China would grant Blue Ridge a visit to Hong Kong.
My comment: Antony J Blinken, Obama Administration Policy in the Asia-Pacific. US Department of State, Apr 28, 2016 (Testimony Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee).
("With each trip, I have to tell you I have seen growing dividends of this effort to rebalance our focus on the region and to strengthen a rules-based, institutions-based order that is advancing our interests and increasingly not only in the region but globally")
Why do I pay attention to this sentence? Merely curious about the English wording (not because it, sentence, is important).