, which is basically translated, except quotation BELOW, from
China's 'Valentine's Day' Killer Acquitted of 1998 Murder. AFP, Apr 30, 2016 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires ... ed-1998-murder.html
("Liu Jiqiang, 52, was found guilty of strangling and stabbing his lover on February 14, 1998, earning him the notorious nickname 'Valentine's Day killer' in the Chinese press")
, which is based, in part (the part about Hongkongers flocking to Taiwan) on
Nikki Sun, Prudent Hongkongers flock to Taiwan, with Arrivals up 30 Per Cent in First Quarter; In contrast, the city's tourism industry is bracing itself for another disappointing long holiday weekend, South China Morning Post, Apr 29, 2016. http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-ko ... -cent-first-quarter
("Tony Wu, a director at the Taiwan Tourism Bureau")
My comment: Hong Kong also has a reduced inflow of China's tourists for the May 1 long holiday. On the other hand, (in terms of China's tourists) Hong Kong and Taiwan diverge because the former has experienced "the year-long slump in the market." SCMP. 作者: choi 时间: 4-30-2016 14:03
(3) 阿曼亭, 法国专家谈中共高层最新派别斗争. http://cn.rfi.fr/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B ... B%E6%96%97%E4%BA%89
("本周一中纪委网站曾发表被认为是共青团自我检讨的文章--《共青团中央书记处关于巡视整改情况的通报》。这篇文章承认共青团领导人在年轻人问题上有失误。法国国际关系战略研究院的研究员、中国问题专家Jean-Vincent BRISSET认为,这是中共高层派别斗争的新迹象")
My comment:
(a) Yesterday I had a posting titled 外媒指出习近平和李克强之间可能存在权斗, a Radio Free Asia report (in Mandarin) that was based on the English-language
Xi Move on Faction Suggests China Elite Struggle: Experts. AFP, Apr 29, 2016
, where a different analyst ("Jean-Pierre Cabestan of Hong Kong Baptist University") reached the same conclusion from divining the same article (about 共青团) published on the same website.
(b) Jean-Vincent Brisset. Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS; English: The French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs), undated (under the heading" Experts"). www.iris-france.org/experts/jean-vincent-brisset/
At the bottom of this Web page is an introduction of the organization (because the website lacks "About Us"): "IRIS, a public-interest association created in 1991, is a French think tank on geopolitical and strategic issues. It is the only international think tank to have been set up as a totally private initiative in an independent approach." To the right of this statement is the "Contact" tag which indicates the think tank is based in Paris.