My comment:
(a) Reuters, which appears underneath the photo (a nightscape of Tehran) is the credit of the photo, not the news report.
(b) "这4名偷渡进入伊朗的阿富汗人涉嫌在2015年9月19日在德黑兰北部法拉扎德(Farahzad)山抢劫和强奸一名23岁法国女游客。"
(i) The end of the news RFI report cites AFP, which mentions the woman "was hiking in the Farahzad district just outside the capital."
(ii) Farahzad
(talks about it as a neighborhood or a village)
(c) The AFP report, dated today (May 8) indicates the trial "is being held behind closed doors." It will be in the open forum/court in US.
(d) Why do I pick this news report? No reason.