我们要做的,是将公共讨论从这种如火药桶般 “一点就着” 的情绪中拯救出来——这既有赖于新闻媒体更加自觉地抵御追逐噱头的倾向,也取决于我们每个人能否战胜自己心中那些动物性的情感本能。
Bail, C. A. (2012). The fringe effect civil society organizations and the evolution of media discourse about Islam since the September 11th attacks. American Sociological Review, 77(6), 855-879.
2011 年,西班牙经济学家 José G. Montalvo 在《经济学与统计学评论》(Review of Economics and Statistics)上发表了一篇论文,证实了上述观点。这里的关键是:如何排除民意在 3 月 11 日之前就倒向社会党的可能性?研究者巧妙利用如下事实:西班牙法律规定,为保证选票被及时计入,从 3 月 2 日(大选前 9 天)起,旅居国外的西班牙公民就可以到当地领事馆投票,或者将填好的选票寄回国内。因此,当恐怖袭击发生时,许多海外公民早已做出了选择。
自 “9 · 11” 事件之后,从马德里,到伦敦、巴黎,再到今天的布鲁塞尔,惨绝人寰的悲剧一次次在我们面前上演,其中的原因,大概也正在于此。
Gould, E. D., & Klor, E. F. (2010). Does terrorism work? The Quarterly Journal of Economics 125(4), 1459-1510.
Gould, E. D., & Klor, E. F. (2014). The long‐run effect of 9/11: Terrorism, backlash, and the assimilation of Muslim immigrants in the west. The Economic Journal.
Montalvo, J. G. (2011). Voting after the bombings: A natural experiment on the effect of terrorist attacks on democratic elections. Review of Economics and Statistics, 93(4), 1146-1154.
Shayo, M., & Zussman, A. (2010). Judicial ingroup bias in the shadow of terrorism. Quarterly Journal of Economics, Forthcoming.
Neumayer, E., & Plumper, T. (2009). International terrorism and the clash of civilizations. British Journal of Political Science, 39(04), 711-734.