But see 郭坤仁 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/郭坤仁
("自廈門游泳至金門,受到中華民國政府禮遇,成為「反共義士」,並獲邀在該年雙十國慶上致詞。來台灣後就讀於台中一中、台灣大學電機系,約於1975年畢業,並接受蔣經國總統的召見表揚。後到美國進修獲得辛辛那堤大學電腦工程學博士,成為電腦工程師。曾擔任昇陽 [Sun Mucrosystems] 遠東事務副總裁 * * * 現已退休,居住在美國加州矽谷。1979年鄧小平訪問美國時,曾為其擔任翻譯")
(b) The English-language book:
Ken Ling. The Revenge of Heaven: From Schoolboy to 'Little General' in Mao's Army. Miriam London and Lee Ta-ling, trans. New York: Putnam, 1972.
(i) In other words, 郭坤仁's English name is Ken LIN. On the other hand, all three photos display copyrights by "KEN KUO."
(ii) Miriam London and Lee Ta-ling were translators, from Chinese to English.
(iii) The book was also published by Putnam in 1972 (with the same translators) under the same title -- but different subtitle:
The Revenge of Heaven: Journal of a Young Chinese.