(a) Chronologically, the event in the second paragraph occurred first, followed by the ones of the first paragraph.
(b) Today is May 20, a Friday. "本周四" should be May 19.
(c) However, the report in the 大公网 was published four days ago, and remains there.
温家宝家人斥 '美国之音' 报道造谣. 大公网, May 16, 2016.
(d) The preceding 大公 report must be the one at issue, because the RFA report later states, "总部设在美国的博闻社报导,香港亲中的大公网为温家宝出声,指温的家人对此表示极大愤慨,称报导纯属无中生有,恶意捏造。"